Researchers in Noah’s ARK

Jump to: current members, Ph.D. alumni, postdoctoral alumni, masters alumni, and other alumni

Current Members

Orevaoghene Ahia, UW Ph.D. student
Victoria Ebert, UW Ph.D. student
Yanai Elazar, AI2/UW postdoc
Hila Gonen, UW postdoc
Nikita Haduong, UW Ph.D. student
Yushi Hu, UW Ph.D. student
Phillip Keung, UW Ph.D. student
Sachin Kumar, AI2/UW postdoc
Alisa Liu, UW Ph.D. student
Rahul Nadkarni, UW Ph.D. student
Sofia Serrano, UW Ph.D. student
Weijia Shi, UW Ph.D. student
Yizhong Wang, UW Ph.D. student
Noah Smith, UW professor

Ph.D. Alumni

Suchin Gururangan, Ph.D. 2024, UW (Data-Centric Methods for Decentralizing Large Language Models). He is a research scientist at Meta.
Jungo Kasai, Ph.D. 2023, UW (Towards Efficient, Customizable, and Communal Natural Language Processing). He is an assistant professor at the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago.
Ofir Press, Ph.D. 2023, UW (Complementing Scale: Novel Guidance Methods for Improving Language Models). He is a postdoc at Princeton.
Tal August, Ph.D. 2022, UW (Language as Design: Adapting Language to Different Online Audiences). He is a postdoc at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence.
Kelvin Luu, Ph.D. 2022, UW (Investigating Natural Language Interactions in Communities). He is a research scientist at Duolingo.
Hao Peng, Ph.D. 2022, UW (Towards Efficient and Generalizable Natural Language Processing). He is a postdoc at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence.
Phoebe Mulcaire, Ph.D. 2022, UW (Crosslingual Sharing for Low-Resource Natural Language Processing). She is a research scientist at Duolingo.
Lucy Lin, Ph.D. 2021, UW (Semantic Comparisons for Natural Language Processing Applications). She is a research scientist at Spotify.
Maarten Sap, Ph.D. 2021, UW (Positive AI with Social Commonsense Models). He is an assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University.
Elizabeth Clark, Ph.D. 2021, UW (Text Generation and Evaluation for Human-Machine Collaborative Writing). She is a research scientist at Google.
Jesse Dodge, Ph.D. 2020, CMU (Towards Efficient and Reproducible Natural Language Processing). He is a research scientist at the Allen Institute for AI.
Dallas Card, Ph.D. 2019, CMU (Accelerating Text-as-Data Research in Computational Social Science). He is an assistant professor at the University of Michigan.
Swabha Swayamdipta, Ph.D. 2019, CMU (Syntactic Inductive Biases for Natural Language Processing). She is an assistant professor at the University of Southern California.
Sam Thomson, Ph.D. 2019, CMU (Encoding and Decoding Graph Representations of Natural Language). He is a research scientist at Semantic Machines.
Jeffrey Flanigan, Ph.D. 2018, CMU (Parsing and Generation for the Abstract Meaning Representation). He is an assistant professor at the University of California Santa Cruz.
Lingpeng Kong, Ph.D. 2017, CMU (Neural Representation Learning in Linguistic Structured Prediction). He is an assistant professor at Hong Kong University.
Yanchuan Sim, Ph.D. 2016, CMU (Text as Strategic Choice). He is a co-founder of Bot M.D.
Waleed Ammar, Ph.D. 2016, CMU (Towards a Universal Analyzer of Natural Languages). He is a research scientist at Google.
David Bamman, Ph.D. 2015, CMU (People-Centric Natural Language Processing). He is an associate professor at the University of California Berkeley.
Dani Yogatama, Ph.D. 2015, CMU (Sparse Models of Natural Language Text). He is an assistant professor at the University of Southern California and co-founder/CEO of Reka.
Brendan O'Connor, Ph.D. 2014, CMU (Statistical Text Analysis for Social Science). He is an associate professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Nathan Schneider, Ph.D. 2014, CMU (Lexical Semantic Analysis in Natural Language Text). He is an associate professor at Georgetown University.
Tae Yano, Ph.D. 2013, CMU (Text as Actuator: Text-Driven Response Modeling and Prediction in Politics). She is a research scientist at Expedia.
Kevin Gimpel, Ph.D. 2012, CMU (Discriminative Feature-Rich Modeling for Syntax-Based Machine Translation). He is an assistant professor at the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago.
André Martins, Ph.D. 2012, CMU (The Geometry of Constrained Structured Prediction: Applications to Inference and Learning of Natural Language Syntax). He is head of research at Unbabel and associate professor at Instituto Superior Técnico.
Dipanjan Das, Ph.D. 2012, CMU (Semi-Supervised and Latent-Variable Models of Natural Language Semantics). He is a research scientist at Google.
Shay Cohen, Ph.D. 2011, CMU (Computational Learning of Probabilistic Grammars in the Unsupervised Setting). He is a reader (associate professor equivalent) at the University of Edinburgh.
Michael Heilman, Ph.D. 2011, CMU (Automatic Factual Question Generation from Text). He is a data scientist at Civis Analytics.

Postdoctoral Alumni

Wenya Wang, assistant professor at Nanyang Technological University, 2021–23. Now: .
Tao Yu, 2021–22, UW postdoc. Now: assistant professor at Hong Kong University.
Ana Marasović, 2019–22, AI2/UW postdoc. Now: assistant professor at the University of Utah.
Sarah Dreier, 2019–21, UW. Now: assistant professor at the University of New Mexico.
Nikos Pappas, 2019–21, UW. Now: research scientist at Amazon.
Rik Koncel-Kedziorski, 2019–21, UW. Now: research scientist at Amazon.
Rachel Rudinger, 2019–20, AI2/UW. Now: assistant professor at the University of Maryland.
Emily Gade, 2018–19, UW. Now: assistant professor at Emory University.
Gabi Stanovsky, 2018–20, AI2/UW. Now: faculty at Hebrew University.
Roy Schwartz, 2016–19, UW/AI2. Now: faculty at Hebrew University.
Yangfeng Ji, 2016–18, UW. Now: assistant professor at the University of Virginia.
Chenhao Tan, 2016–17, UW. Now: assistant professor at the University of Chicago.
Fei Liu, 2013–15, CMU. Now: associate professor at Emory University.
Chris Dyer, 2010–12, CMU. Now: research scientist at DeepMind.
Behrang Mohit, 2010–12, CMU-Q. Now: research scientist at Apple.

Masters Alumni

Shengqi Zhu, M.S. 2023, UW
Zeyu Leo Liu, M.S. 2023 , UW
Kaiser Sun, M.S. 2022, UW
Tobias Rohde, M.S. 2022, UW
Ivan Montero, M.S. 2022, UW
Ethan Chau, M.S. 2021, UW
Zeyu Blarry Wang, M.S. 2021, UW
Zhaofeng Wu, M.S. 2021, UW
Xuhui Zhou, M.S. 2021, UW
Xinyi Wu, M.S. 2020, UW
Sam Gehman, M.S. 2020, UW
Karishma Mandyam, M.S. 2020, UW
Tam Dang, M.S. 2019, UW
Ron Fan, M.S. 2019, UW
Aishwarya Nirmal, M.S. 2019, UW
Deric Pang, M.S. 2019, UW
Suchin Gururangan, M.S. 2018, UW
Yi Zhu, M.S. 2017, UW
Rohan Ramanath, M.S. 2015, CMU
Victor Chahuneau, M.S. 2013, CMU
Cari (Sisson) Bader, M.S. 2008, CMU
Mengqiu Wang, M.S. 2007, CMU

Other ARK Associates

Undergraduates, research programmers, visitors, etc.

Judit Ács (UW visitor, 2018–19)
Miguel Ballesteros (CMU visitor, 2014–16)
Rishav Bhowmick (CMU-Q B.S., 2010)
Ethan Chau (UW B.S., 2020)
Desai Chen (CMU B.S., 2010)
Philip Gianfortoni (CMU research programmer, 2009–10)
Swapna Gottipati (CMU visitor, 2012)
Mohammad Haque (CMU B.S., 2010)
Mourad Heddaya (UW B.S., 2020)
Adhiguna Kuncoro (UW visitor, 2016)
Dimitry Levin (CMU B.S., 2010)
Millicent Li (UW B.S., 2021)
Nelson Liu (UW B.S., 2019)
Yijia Liu (UW visitor, 2016–18)
Philip Massey (CMU B.S., 2015)
Zack McCord (CMU B.S., )
Bill McDowell (CMU research programmer, 2013–14)
Jacob Morrison (UW B.S., 2017)
Tobi Owoputi (CMU B.S., 2014)
Zach Paine (CMU research programmer, 2008)
Ben Plaut (CMU B.S., 2016)
Daniel Preoțiuc-Pietro (CMU visitor, 2013)
Naomi Saphra (CMU B.S., 2013)
Neel Shah (CMU B.S., 2010)
Shil Sinha (CMU B.S., 2013)
Tal Stramer (CMU B.S., 2011)
Dan Tasse (CMU B.S., 2008)
Mattt Thompson (CMU BA, 2009)
Johnny Wei (UW visitor, 2017)
Patrick Xia (CMU B.S., 2016)
Qiaolin Xia (UW visitor, 2018–19)
Michael Zhang (UW B.S., 2020)
Xiaote Zhu (CMU B.S., 2017)